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News and Opinions

Our specialism is in customer centric marketing. We often have things we want to say, thoughts to share out loud and insight to share.


Here they are.

Happy Birthday to us

A happy new year to you all and a very happy birthday to us at Silver Jet Insight! 

Much like the queen we have 2 birthdays, the official incorporation and the start of trading, we have decided to pick this midway point to celebrate as January tends to be a bit thin on joy. 

So, we’ve navigated the terrible twos, made it through our threenage year and are now happily enjoying our fourth birthday! And what a year it’s been. From a 1 person band to a 3 person band, we’ve tripled in size over the last year! That has been a definite shake up and step forward for Silver Jet. Our illustrious leader is finally used to the company now he’s got over the tap tapping of a few more keyboards in the background, not to mention more people means more tea rounds! Let’s have a quick look at some of our highlights. 

We were finalists in the Northamptonshire Business Awards in the category of Small Business of the Year. This is a huge achievement that we are immensely proud of. Having worked hard over the last 4 years to grow and develop, the recognition meant a huge amount to us. 

Our new Pay As You Go scheme was launched early last year, as regular readers of our blog will remember. (If you’re not a regular head on over to our Why we’re offering PAYG post and catch up immediately) New and exciting partnerships were formed with Royal Mail, Experian and Force24 (also all available to read about on our blog here) and to round off the big highlights we completed a large and business changing project for a client. What more could a young company want? 

On a smaller scale we’ve networked no end and I’m sure you’ve noticed an increase in blogging and social media posting over the last year as we’ve worked to connect in a way that showcases a bit of the Silver Jet personality as well as our know how. 

So, has it all been good news? Well, not to sound like we’re tooting our own horn but yes, we’re thrilled to be able to say it has been. It certainly hasn’t always been easy and it’s safe to say that some weeks were definitely a lot harder than others but noses to the grindstone has thankfully paid off. There are still some issues to iron out, for instance, we’re all still waiting to see what Brexit might mean for us, but we feel incredibly positive about what the last year has brought us. 

All in all we have to say it’s a very happy birthday indeed for Silver Jet! We’re excited to see what the next 12 months have in store for us. 

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Registered number: 9807219.

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