Did Somebody Say Finalist?

We’ve been very busy of late, not just with the usual workload but also with our entry for the Northamptonshire Business Awards. This required a detailed written entry in response to a series of questions and has seen us working hard to accurately showcase the great things we’re capable of. Although confident in our business we didn’t want to get ahead of ourselves and so we were quite calm about submitting our entry, downplaying our hopes with an ‘it would be nice just to be shortlisted wouldn’t it’.
Fast forward to Monday 3rd June and at 9.15am the phone rang with the news that we were finalists in the Small Business of the Year category! Suddenly it’s very real, we have a chance to win this. We’d like to say we were calm and collected, taking the news in our stride and discussing how expected it was…that was not the case.
Once we had calmed down a little, we realised we now needed to look at the next stage. The call wasn’t just to tell us the good news, but to inform us that our second stage presentation would take place on Monday 10th June at 9.30am. Just one week away, so, although still grinning to ourselves we knuckled down and spent the week putting together a presentation outlining just why we thought we should win Small Business of the Year.
With the presentation done it’s now just a waiting game but we are no longer so calm and collected about the outcome. We're excited, hoping to win and looking forward to the big night. So, we’ll be holding our breath until 5th September when the winners will be announced.
We’re sure the businesses we’re up against are incredibly worthy but we genuinely do think we deserve to win. One of the things you realise when involved in an awards entry is just how hard it can be to sing your own praises. Whether you’re confident in how great you are or not it just isn’t British to brag is it? It makes the best of us uncomfortable but looking at all the amazing things the business is capable of really does make us proud.
Cross your fingers for us! Although we’d very much like to win we are also immensely pleased to have been shortlisted as a finalist, no matter the outcome there’s a lot to celebrate here.